What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing that dates back over 3000 yrs, and mainly originates from Asia, China.

Acupuncture works on the subtle energies of the body known as “chi”. When these energies are in balance, our health is fine – but when the chi becomes unbalanced (e.g. through lifestyle, emotion, stress, diet or trauma) they can become blocked, causing physical and emotional pain.

We can help you

Visit our clinic and we’ll review your medical history, take pulses and look at the body diagnosis.

From the pulses and what you tell us, we can create a treatment plan that enables your body to heal itself.

Treatment consists of the insertion of micro-fine stainless steel sterile needles into the skin – usually between 2 and 6 needles are used at any one time.

The needles usually will be placed in the arms and legs, no matter where the problem lies, as we work on the cause of the problem – not just the symptoms.

The reaction will be different for everybody – some people will find almost immediate relief, whilst others may find it takes a while. This has a lot to do with how severe the problems are, how long you have had them and the patients life-style.

Happy customers

  • Maureen Ions Avatar

    I've been going to Tim for several years now and highly recommend him. He is very approachable and understanding. He was able to help with a digestive problem and also with regular migraines that I was experiencing. I now visit monthly and despite the needles, find it quite relaxing.

    Maureen Ions 29/01/2020
  • hellen wainwright Avatar

    My elderly mother was treated by Tim recently and has been amazed at the results, she’s feeling better than ever and was really impressed by his professionalism and how comfortable she was made to feel. She will be back for more treatment as it has really made a difference to her sinuses and leg issues.

    hellen wainwright 29/01/2020
  • RennyS-2 Avatar

    Emanations Acupuncture Clinic Tim Burrows does a great job. He has fixed me up to sleep better and stopped pain in my shoulder. I can’t praise him enough

    RennyS-2 20/01/2020

Book now

Call us: 01293 550079

Find us: 193 Three Bridges Road, Crawley, RH10 1LG